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Health Check

Health Check is a verification feature which monitors and informs users of inconsistent or incomplete operations in LINKSOFT. The health check provides efficiency and increased performance regular updates on server status, data transmission, database setup and configuration.For example,

  1. A new employee profile has been created. The health check will verify if the employee's rate, position and standard pay has been created.
  2. A new inventory item has been created. The health check will verify if the price has been updated for the item.

The following functionalities are available.

  1. A background process will update the health check menus with all inconsistency.
  2. Users will be able to edit the entry and put notes, and mark the entry as Resolved
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon".This will open the edit form.
    2. Enter the "Notes"
    3. Tick the "Resolved" check box.
    4. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".
  3. If the entry is created and there has not been any user intervention, and the issue has been corrected, the entry should be marked as "Resolved" automatically
  4. Order by Date Created with "Resolved" items at the bottom of the list
  5. Date range filter on the top of the form will show all "Unresolved" entries and Resolved entries within the specified date range.
  6. When the system log is sent out at the end of the day, the Health Check entries that are UNRESOLVED needs to be included on the top. Resolved entries that have not been sent previously can be included at the bottom.


  1. Enable below processes
    1. SYS007: System Health Check - This will perform the health check.
      1. Define health check components
        1. Click on the "Grey Arrow"next to the process, this will load the configuration.
        2. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to define the components that must be validated during the health check process.
        3. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon
      2. Click on the "Pencil Icon" next to the process and enter the "Next Run Date and Time" and the frequency of the health check.
    2. SYS005: Email alert to send all system log entries - This will send an alert with the details of the health check.
      1. Click on the "Pencil Icon" next to the process and enter the "Email Address" "Next Run Date and Time" and the frequency of the alert.
      2. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon

Figure 1: System Health Check